Laravel Pulse revolutionizes the way developers monitor their applications by providing comprehensive insights into performance and usage. With Pulse, you gain the ability to pinpoint bottlenecks, track slow jobs and endpoints, and identify your most active users. This article serves as a guide to help you seamlessly integrate Laravel Pulse into your Laravel project, from installation to customization.
Laravel Pulse's first-party storage relies on MySQL or PostgreSQL databases. If you're using a different database engine, you'll need a separate MySQL or PostgreSQL database for Pulse data. As Pulse is currently in beta, adjust your composer.json
file to allow beta package releases:
"minimum-stability": "beta",
"prefer-stable": true
Use Composer to install Pulse into your Laravel project:
composer require laravel/pulse
Publish Pulse configuration and migration files:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Laravel\Pulse\PulseServiceProvider"
Run migrations to create tables for Pulse data:
php artisan migrate
Access the Pulse dashboard via the /pulse
route after running Pulse's database migrations.
If you prefer not to store Pulse data in your primary database, specify a dedicated database connection.
Many of Pulse's configuration options are controlled via environment variables. To view available options, register new recorders, or configure advanced settings, publish the config/pulse.php
configuration file:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=pulse-config
Dashboard Authorization
Access the Pulse dashboard through the /pulse
route, initially limited to the local environment. Configure authorization for production environments by customizing the 'viewPulse' authorization gate in App\Providers\AuthServiceProvider.php
use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Gate;
public function boot(): void
Gate::define('viewPulse', function (User $user) {
return $user->isAdmin();
// ...
Configure Pulse dashboard cards and layout by publishing the dashboard view:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=pulse-dashboard
Customize cards and layout using the Livewire-powered dashboard. Cards accept properties like cols
, rows
, and expand
<livewire:pulse.usage cols="4" rows="2" />
<livewire:pulse.slow-queries expand />
Resolving Users
For user-related cards, Pulse records only the user's ID. Resolve and customize user information using the Pulse::user
method within App\Providers\AppServiceProvider.php
use Laravel\Pulse\Facades\Pulse;
public function boot(): void
Pulse::user(fn ($user) => [
'name' => $user->name,
'extra' => $user->email,
'avatar' => $user->avatar_url,
// ...
Cards Overview
Pulse offers a range of pre-built cards for monitoring various aspects of your application. These include:
Application Usage
Slow Requests
Slow Jobs
Slow Queries
Slow Outgoing Requests
Cache Interactions
Pulse uses recorders to capture and store entries from your application. Customize Pulse behavior through recorders configured in config/pulse.php
. Common recorders include:
Cache Interactions
Slow Jobs
Slow Outgoing Requests
Slow Queries
Slow Requests
User Jobs
User Requests
For high-traffic applications, customize Pulse to reduce its impact:
Use a Different Database
Redis Ingest
Handling Pulse Exceptions
Customize the handling of Pulse exceptions by providing a closure to the handleExceptionsUsing
use Laravel\Pulse\Facades\Pulse;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
Pulse::handleExceptionsUsing(function ($e) {
Log::debug('An exception happened in Pulse', [
'message' => $e->getMessage(),
'stack' => $e->getTraceAsString(),
Custom Cards
Extend Pulse's functionality with custom cards using Livewire. Create a dedicated CSS entry point for styling:
Include custom CSS files or leverage Laravel Vite integration for styling. Customize cards and views to suit your application's needs.
Data Capture & Aggregation
Capture and aggregate data using Pulse's efficient system. Record entries with the Pulse::record
method and retrieve aggregated data using Livewire's aggregate
method. Resolve and display user information using Pulse::resolveUsers
Custom Recorders
For advanced users, create custom recorders to capture specific events or data points. Register recorders in config/pulse.php
and define listeners and recording logic in the recorder class.
In conclusion, Laravel Pulse provides a robust monitoring solution for Laravel applications. Whether you rely on pre-built cards or customize your monitoring setup, Pulse empowers you to gain valuable insights into your application's performance and usage.